Who is Jesus?

Jesus said without apology or flinching, “Follow me”.  Others who followed Jesus were bold enough to say “follow me as I follow Jesus.”
But where were they all following Him to?
History teaches that Jesus was born and raised in a common Middle Eastern home but did very uncommon things. He was born from a virgin, did incredible miracles, was subsequently crucified, speared and murdered as an innocent man. He was then buried in a grave guarded for protection by Roman authorities.

So who is this Jesus and how can He help me?
The Bible also declares that after 3 days sealed in a tomb, watched by strict Roman centurion soldiers, Jesus came back to life from the dead.  Neither soldiers, nor boulders, nor death itself was able to stop Him.  He appeared to 500 people in one setting.  He walked, ate with and taught many others. Non-christian historians have written about Jesus’ incredible impact in human history.  Our modern calendar has been divided between BC and AD based on Jesus birth and resurrection.  No matter all the evidence, today mankind keeps trying to bury the facts about this incredible Jesus to no success. He continues to show Himself alive in countless hearts and minds of so many worldwide.What makes Jesus more important than any figure in human history is not just His miracles, fame, but Jesus was more than a man. He is God.  Every prophet before and after him pointed men to God, but Jesus pointed men to Himself.  He
made audacious statements like: “I am the way the truth and the life” and “If you have seen my face you have seen the Father’s face.”  Other genuine men of God were appalled when people tried to worship them as gods, but Jesus did not discourage men to fall down and worship Him, rather encouraged them saying “where are the others?” and “if they will not shout (to worship and exalt as I pass by), the rocks themselves will cry out.” The Bible says that even demons knew Jesus and trembled in fear.

What is the Gospel ?

The Gospel simply means “The Good News” Good news doesn’t seem good when I already have enough good things going for me.  So let’s examine the bad news first. The Bad news is that every one of us were born in sin which leads to death. 

What is Sin ? You know what it feels like when you do something bad. That’s sin in a nutshell. I’m sure we can all agree that lying, stealing, hurting others is bad.  It’s not just a learned behaviour but it’s something we were born with.  If you doubt that, just place innocent toddlers together in the same room. One will be selfish or steal from the other. Another will hit, lie or in any way hurt the other. No one at all had to teach them how to do those things. They just came out of the box that way. By the time they are an adult, that problem is multiplied severely.Today’s problems are so many:  Broken hearts, broken families, depression, lethargy, poverty, guilt and shame.  Bad news.  Right now, a lot of people are looking for good news in contrast to all we hear and see on television and the paper daily.

The Good News, however, is so incredible.  It’s what we’ve all been waiting for.  It’s a promise that we can all receive.The promise of change, the promise of hope, the promise of a new life.  That promise purchased at the cost of His life.That’s why Jesus Christ came, lived and died…to come heal your problem of sin.  To erase all the years of horrible decisions and to give you a second or third chance if you need one.  Jesus said “the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly.” The bible declares that all you need to do is call out to Him, confess your sins wholeheartedly.  He is 110% faithful and just to forgive and cleanse of every trace or evidence of your past.Good News!  All he asks in return?  Your genuine heart.  Jesus said if you confess me before man I will confess you before my Father.  He wants a commitment from you.  Not just a token religious mantra.  This is why the good news is coupled with more good news.  Jesus gave you His church. A church He also paid for by his own blood.  A place and a people where you can assemble with living out a new, free and forgiven life.  You can read about it in the Bible, but you can  experience it now.

How can I know more ?

If you are searching for some clear answers about who God is, what He has and can do for you, we care and want you to know God in a personal way.

Church : If you first met someone in just one hour, it would be safe to say, you don’t know them very well.  What if you met 3 others who know that person very well and tell you about him from their own experience ? Wouldn’t you begin to get a much better picture about who that person is than just a narrow one-sided viewpoint? That’s partly why God chooses to
meet you, many times, through others who know Him well. A real Church is not some ornate religious cathedral, but simply a place, a gathering where you can come to know God better because you get to hear about Him.  The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the world of God.

Bible : If a friend allowed you to peer into her personal journal, you would immediately begin to know her far deeper than just an acquaintance.God gives you his own personal journal and memoir of Himself to you.It was written over the course of thousands of years through the hands of people who never met each other yet there is a mysterious tapestry and unity of their inspiration. These 66 separate books are synonymous with each other and join together an incredible singular story which is why the word Bible simply means “The Book”. The Bible is far different than the novels you find at Barnes & Noble. This is a book that historians have used to uncover archeological finds of the oldest known cities to mankind. This is a book that has consistently succeeded in telling what was going to happen in the future. It is a book of the past and the future, but most importantly, it is a book for the present, for now, for you. God wants you to know Him through his own personal memoir.God places much confidence in the written word that has not changed in thousands of years. As it says in the Bible “it is written…”We whole heartedly would like to invite you to one of several Bible Studies throughout the week. If you are brand new to church, you can check out the New Believers Class.  This study will show you all the basics of what the Bible teaches to help you see things from Gods perspective.  We believe that blessing flows from a life that is lived according to God’s will.  You can experience that for yourself.  This class circulates and is open enrollment throughout the year, so no matter when you jump in, that is the starting day for everyone.  There, by the way, is always snacks and drinks available with a lively social atmosphere.